Noah’s Ark Child Center provides a Before and After School Program for children in kindergarten through 6th grade on a traditional school schedule. We service the following schools with this program:
- Peavine Elementary School (across the street)
- Mamie Towles Elementary School
- Elmcrest Elementary School
- Roland Melton Elementary School
Children in Peavine Elementary School are walked across the street for both the kindergarten and school age program. Transportation is provided for schools on the transportation schedule. Charges vary for these programs because the schools are on different schedules and there is a separate charge for transportation.
Children who attend kindergarten at Peavine, elementary schools are incorporated into the regular program before and after their school day. The teacher of this age group structures the curriculum so that it reinforces and complements the child’s kindergarten program.
School age children enrolled in kindergarten through fifth grade at Peavine, Maime Towles, Elmcrest Elementary and Roland Melton participate in Noah’s Ark School age program on various schedules. The children can attend in the A.M., P.M. or both A.M. and P.M. Accommodations are also made for the school age children on early release days and days when school is not in session.
The School age program is under the guidance of a School age supervisor and experienced staff. Activities are planned for the morning and afternoon sessions which allow the children free time to play and interact with their friends. Crafts, computers, games, stories, science, cooking, visitors and outdoor activities are included in the children’s time. On “early release” days or days off school the children many times have field trips and activities away from the Ark.