Arrivals and Sign-Ins
All of the children attending Noah’s Ark must be signed in on the daily attendance sheet. We must have an accurate record of which children are in attendance at any given time. The morning program begins at 8:45 am and children should arrive by that time. The afternoon program begins at 1:45 pm. A late arrival prevents a smooth transition for your child. If your child will be late for some reason, please call and let us know as it can be very helpful in coordinating group plans. Any unusual situation noted in the “Comment” column of the attendance sheet should be brought to the attention of the Administrative staff for clarification. Likewise, parents are encouraged to make important notations in this column. Phone numbers for the day, special pick up persons or reminders for medications or personal items should be noted in this column. Communication on all levels insures the safety and calm for all of us involved in the care of the child.
The Reluctant Arriver
Remember, just as there are many days when adults do things that they would rather not do, there may be occasional days when your child will tell you that he/she does not feel like going to school. On those days, you might want to share with your child that you understand his/her feelings. When a child seems reluctant, the biggest help you can give them is for your departure to be loving and brief. We encourage parents to give their child a big hug and kiss, and an affirmation as to when they will be picked up. Gently leave your child in the calming hands of a staff member, especially when separating is hard. If your child is crying or seems unhappy when you leave, don’t hesitate to call once you reach home or work to inquire as to how he/she is doing. Feel free to discuss any ongoing separation problems.
Authorization for Pick-up
PLEASE REMEMBER THAT WE WILL NOT LET YOUR CHILD LEAVE WITH ANYONE UNLESS WE HAVE WRITTEN OR VERBAL/TELEPHONED AUTHORIZATION FROM YOU! This is done to protect the safety and well being of your child. It does not matter who brings a child to the center, they cannot pick them up without prior authorization. It is absolutely essential that you keep the Registration Form current as to those authorized to pick up the child.
When picking up any child from the center, you must sign your name in the Signature Column of the Daily Attendance Sheet. Anyone taking a child from the center, no matter how long the child has been in attendance, needs to present a picture ID. This is for the daily safety of your child.
Please be aware that we close at 6:00 P.M. There is a Late Fee charge of $5.00 for every 5 minutes or portion of 5 minutes after 6:00 P.M. This Late Fee is due the same evening it is incurred or the next A.M. at the latest! There are no exceptions.
Notification of Absence
If your child will be absent from school due to illness or any other reason, please call the school and let us know. If your child will be absent for several days for vacation, visiting relatives, or other reasons, we would appreciate a call. We will notify the child’s teacher. Notice of absence relieves our concern as to your child’s welfare.